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Displaying items 151 to 250 of total 1681 items that match the search parameters.
[5.0] "Eh, this pre-show was alright. Nothing too spectacular or exciting, but I don't regret having watched it. [MOTN: n/a]"
[4.0] "Unfortunately The Radicalz were put together into one match, so they couldn't elevate the level of the show. There were two very good bouts though, first being Jericho vs Kane, where they both executed perfectly the big guy vs smaller guy scenario. The second one was Rikishi vs The Rock, which was a little surprise to me, especially since they almost didn't brawl outside of the ring, but instead got the crowd invested with normal wrestling. Also the Elimination Match with Dudleys, Hardys, RtC and Christian & Edge was a fun contest, but everything else was mid at best. And of course the main event couldn't be anything else than a garbage brawl with Hunter and Austin killing time before they could go to the finish, which was a murder. So yeah, sadly I feel like it's 1999 once again."
[0.0] "The opening matches were okay, not good in any sense but passable. Got some chuckles out of Norman Smiley and the Demon. Brian Knobbs vs 3 count onward was absolutely horrid, with the possible exception of Finlay and Vampiro which was something I suppose. Last 3 matches is possible the worst 3 consecutive match run ever on PPV."
[10.0] "This was an iconic episode of Raw that pretty much had everything that made most of the 1997 shows hold up so well for me with really good wrestling, legendary moments and the storylines getting all the focus are great to watch play out. This was still building the terrific Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels Hell in a Cell feud with some great moments with them where DX attacked Undertaker with a steel chair on the ramp and Taker would later get his revenge when DX and the Hart Foundation start brawling after the main event and stand tall to end a really chaotic and eventful show. This show is most remembered for the segment where Austin gives Vince McMahon the stunner for the first time, which was the very beginning of one of the biggest feuds in wrestling history and the excellent long awaited arrival of Cactus Jack where he has a great Hardcore match with HHH! It was also the first Raw ever hosted at MSG, and it stands out as one of the best shows ever done at that arena where the crowd was hot for everything that happened! There's a decent Bret Hart vs Goldust match in there and the Owen Hart vs Brian Pillman farce was hilarious as well."
[6.0] "This was my second time watching through Night 1 , and i must admit that my standards were a lot lower on the first time. I enjoyed seeing some people do their stuff but the outcomes of most matches were fairly middling entertainment-wise. Could you believe that i purposely missed out on the main event on my first go? it ended up as my favourite match of the show this time."
[2.0] "Is the downfall of AEW upon us. I don't think just yet but this episode does not help its cause. As an AEW fan, I feel myself falling less and less in love with the product each day, espiecally when CM Punk, who mind you hasn't been in the company since August of 2023 is the main draw. The fact that we have stars like Ospreay, Okada, Mone and so many more and yet Punk is the one drawing in ratings is not looking good. Then when you see the fact that the boss is tweeting that this is one of the highest viewed episodes of dynamite in a while, it's just upsetting and I feel like they are throwing out what made this company so good at the beginning. Everything on this night was overshadowed, including the great match between Cope and Penta. Still even a week later, what did showing the footage accomplish? I really don't think anything and it was just a ploy for ratings. It looked like the buried Jack Perry and all in all, im very upset and hope that they can redeem themselves because this was almost like a self implosion. People are relating it to the fingerpoke of doom and while I don't think it is like that, its getting very close."
[] "A solid NXT entry that showed off how it will continue to live on and spring forward after Melo, Bron, Roxy, so on get drafted to the main roster. Je'Von looks hype."
[2.0] "Honestly, the Kenzie Page promo was the best thing on the show. The first tag match was so slow it looked like all four wrestlers were fighting in a sandstorm. Second match was better - Taylor Rising and Miss Starr both have talent, but their match was sloppy in parts and the ending was flat. The main event was boring and included a way too long heat section and a flat finish. Given these Hard Times shows were all shot the same day, they probably should have separated these three matches."
[7.0] "Bit of a rollercoaster show. Great first match, and the main event was really good, but the two matches in the middle felt like filler, and for a one hour show, that's not ideal. Still shows NWA has the talent to put on a decent show, and the Dothan set looks great."
[10.0] "One of the standout NXT episodes of the year. There was a lot happening, and the in-ring performances were top-notch. The opener between Noam Dar and DIJAK felt fresh and fluid, and they delivered an impressive match. Ilja's title defense was particularly notable; Je'Von looked fantastic and truly menacing. The main event, which I believe is the culmination of the rivalry between Trick and Melon, was also strongI actually preferred it to their last match. Overall, it was a great night both in terms of in-ring action and segments."
[9.0] "Speaking of timing, Trick and Melo managed to get a good cage match, while also timing it well to stay under USA networks 7 minute overrun. Overall, this was a good show before that two part Spring Breakin' special NXT shows. Looking forward to the next two weeks of themed shows. There should be more of a turning of the page too with a handful of young stars being jettisoned to the main roster. We also might expect some callbacks with stars who arent getting a lot of TV time on Raw or Smackdown."
[7.0] "Eight matches on the show felt a bit excessive for two hours even if three of them ended up being pretty enjoyable (opener/Ilja & Evans/Cage Match.) Distraction finishes did play into the show a bit much I felt but overall some good build to the next two weeks of Spring Breakin while still providing some good matches."
[10.0] "Not only the best NXT TakeOver of all time, but one of the best shows WWE has ever produced. Every match rules on this show and the crowd were hot for the entire night. The opening tag title match was a brilliant farewell for Black and Ricochet and put War Raiders over like rover. Velveteen Dream and Matt Riddle have a dream match that goes hard and plays to the strengths of both of their characters. Walter and Pete Dunne have an incredible David vs. Goliath match, turns out Walter is really good at those. The women's title match is probably the worst match on the card but still really good, got Shayna over as an unstoppable force even more. And then there's the main event, and it is almost unreasonably good. There are probably too many kick outs in this match, but who cares, it may be my favourite match of all-time. Any avid wrestling fan needs to watch this show as soon as possible if they haven't already."
[10.0] "The best WrestleMania of all-time and it's not even close. You can argue with me on that but honestly this show is as good as it gets for me. Everything works on this show. TLC 2 rules and is one of the best spot fests in wrestling history. The main event is still possibly the best Mania main event of all time. The Undertaker and Triple H have a stupidly brilliant match. Angle and Benoit have an excellent technical wrestling match as well. There is so much variety on this show, savage brawls, technical gems, family drama between Vince and Shane. It is a perfect Mania and I don't think it will ever be topped."
[8.0] "This wasn't on the level of Double or Nothing but it was still a great follow-up to AEW's first ever show that kept the company's momentum on going. The match of the night was by far Lucha Bros vs. Young Bucks, one of the craziest things I've ever seen. Omega vs. Pac was a great match with a shocking outcome. But the whole night in general was filled with good matches, that ranged from a crazy massacre such as the Cracker Barrel three way, a fast-paced opening bout in SCU vs. Jurassic Express or a funny overbooked mess such as Cody vs Spears. The only bad match on the show was Dark Order vs. Best Friends. However I think the main issue of this show was not having a worthy main event. Jericho vs. Page was fine but, for me, it was extremely underwhelming and turned out to be a huge disappointment that left me with a sour taste in my mouth. Jericho becoming the first ever World champion was still a big moment but it could've been even bigger if it came after a better match."
[8.0] "[4.00/5.00]: Both the opener and main event really delivered, making this a pleasantly surprising show ahead of the big show next week - Spring Breaking. What impresses me the most is the amount they managed to pack in. With eight matches in about two hours and ten minutes, they covered a lot of ground without it feeling cramped. Overall, it was a strong showing that achieved a great deal without overwhelming the audience. Had a bit of everything for the average consumer, overbooking of the right amount, got it, indie-styled no selling action, done, women's wrestling, great, great wrestling, Dijak and Ilja have you covered. Almost a complete show."
[6.0] "Rhea Ripley sadly had to vacate her title. Glad to see Sheamus back. Triple H showed up and was involved in a comedic segment with the Awesome Truth. Cody Rhodes had some things to say. There were some solid matches and the main event was pretty good."
[9.0] "NXT continues being the most underrated show in America, such a shame how Shawn never truly gets the recognition as a booker, because bringing in nobodies and making them somebodies is NOT an easy accomplishment in a roster that's filled with lively characters to follow, that even at loses still manage to be able to contain their charisma. All the "recommended" cagematch matches (above 5 minutes) were bangers, that even being cited as a build-up show for next week's special, it itself didn't lose its appeal."
[9.0] "This was a great show with a lot of memorable matches and the last three matches in particular are an essential watch to the era. I did have my frustrations with some of the booking with the main event because of the way the Hart Foundation inconceivably wait until after Bulldog loses the match before coming to his aid, but it was one of the best heel performances from Shawn Michaels you will ever see. Bret vs Undertaker have a really good technical rematch to their Summerslam classic and I thought the Owen Hart vs Vader match was excellent. You can't really go wrong with Dude Love vs HHH opening the show and the result ends up being important for the next episode of Raw. The tag title match was also surprisingly decent as I had very low expectations going into that one. There's a few mid matches on the undercard and a pretty terrible Tiger Ali Singh match, but on the whole this was a great UK PPV."
[2.0] "Besides the main event Chamber match, the rest of this show is just plain bad. It's weird too, considering that this is the only WWE PPV hosted in Puerto Rico until Backlash 2023. You would think they'd do much better than this, but this is 2005 we're talking about..."
[2.0] "Could be better. Just an overall yikes episode of Dynamite. Copeland and Penta was decent, but it couldve been shorter. The beginning of the show was alright to make like Dustin ans a threat. Now coming to the worst part, the biggest takeaway under 2 weeks from Dynasty is beef from last year two people that aren't on the PPV or any of their programming. Id get showing the footage if Punk just flat out lied and it made Jack Perry look better, but showing it was a bad look to everyone but Punk. The Bucks dont get the heel heat theyre looking for and it just makes the Bucks and Tony Khan look sad and desperate, and it completely destroys any credibility Jack Perry had in which he actually had bangers like that match against that dinasour. It is under two weeks from a PPV thats featuring WILL OSPREAY VS BRYAN DANIELSON! Youre about to crown your first black world champion. You just debuted Mercedes Mone. Use the time for that!"
[9.0] "-This night 2 opens with a very good McIntyre/Rollins but not as good as previous confrontations between the two. The ending was excellent with Punk assaulting Drew and Damian's cash-in is a cool moment. Let's hope his reign is decent with some interesting storylines. - The street fight, as I expected, was average despite Bubba's superb guest referee appearance. This rivalry remains uninteresting and the stipulation isn't enough. - The AJ/LA match was good quality despite the fact that a stipulation would have been great, with the segments we've seen in recent weeks. -The triple threat match was very good with a victorious Logan Paul, as good as ever in the matches, a still agile Kevin Owens and an Orton who is still cool to watch. IShowSpeed was a pleasant surprise lol. - The match between Bailey and IYO was very good which proves, along with the Rhea/Becky match, that the women's division is very good and moving a little further away from the 2000s. - The main event was an incredible spectacle with two great entrances, a crowd provoking Roman Reigns and a Heroic Cody. The arrival of Cena, Rock, Taker and Rollins Shield were extraordinary. Cody's victory moved me because I knew this wrestler in 2010 and he deserves his Wrestlemania moment. Congratulations to Roman Reigns on a reign that will live long in the memory. It wasn't the best Wrestlemania ever, but ACKNOWLEDGE this Wrestlemania!"
[8.0] "-A good quality match between Rhea Ripley(whose entrance was wonderful) and Becky Lynch. A very good ladder match with two good surprises for the win. -The Rey/Andrade vs Escobar/Dominik match was good but the ending I didn't like as it didn't showcase Dom and Escobar and the former NFL players intervention was rubbish. -The match between Jimmy and Jey was a dud with repetitive, boring superkicks and a terrible loss for Jimmy who is having a tough time. Jey's win doesn't put him over the top despite the respect I have for him. The six-man match was good but not memorable, and Damage Control's defeat was too predictable. -The match between Zayn and Gunther was exceptional with Sami surprisingly winning against a terrifying Gunther. Gunther's reign comes to an end but he'll never be forgotten. Now the world title for Ring General. -The main event was very good with suspense, entertainment and carried by the history between the 4 men. A very good first night of Wrestlemania despite a silent crowd on several occasions."
[9.0] "Magnificent show, I'd have it up there with the best NXT episodes of the post-Black and Gold era, if not of all time. It had everything. Plenty of variety in and out of the ring. Loved Dar/Dijak, Evans/Dragunov, Ivar/Briggs and the main event. Talent like Lola Vice, Sol Ruca and Arianna Grace showing why they've got massive futures ahead of them. The NQCC/D'Angelo Family stand off was great entertainment too."
[7.0] "Outstanding show! Not only do we get a lot of progression with the SSS16 but also some insight into a further development of women wrestlers on the cards. ZSJ and Flash had a splendid match which i wholly recommend. The main event was a sour cherry on top of a well-whipped sundae, but that's what i've come to expect from Marty Scurll's world title reign."
[8.0] "This was my first time tuning in to NXTs weekly shows and it made for a good first impression. Some great matches here in Dijak Vs. Dar and Dragunov Vs. Evans, and the main event was a little disappointing but still made for a fun watch. Got me excited for next week. Im also really hoping they pull the trigger on Ivar and have him dethrone Oba, or at the very least make him look like a beast when they cross paths again."
[8.0] "Good show. Chaddy Daddy heel turn although expected, was done really well and Infront of sami's family is a good touch to the future fued."
[] "I clearly thought a lot higher of this show than many did. The opening segment, as long as it was, felt epic. The crowning of Cody was such a huge moment, it warranted this over the top follow up. I like the fact they built some intrigue here (what did The Rock hand Cody). The rest of the show was solid. Good use of NXT stars to hype the draft and a strong main event to get a new #1 contender. Willing to accept I'm scoring this high because of post-Mania feels, but compared to last year, this was night and day. 8/10"
[6.0] "An alright event. All of the matches are not considered MOTY but good thing the Chicago crowd is heating up. Chicago is like the Osaka in the United States in pro-wrestling, they have the best crowds there. Well, Philadelphia too. I don't consider it the event of the year and the card is alright, not much hype possibly because there is less build-up surrounding the matches that is why the matches aren't much anticipating except for the main event. Here are my ratings for this show: Suzuki vs Narita, my review on matchguide, (***1/4), Vaquer vs AZM, my review on the matchguide, co-MOTN (****1/4), Four-way tag, good and fun match, (***1/2), Perry vs Umino, love how Perry was presentd as the heat magnet to the Chicago crowd, although the match is underwhelming, (***), Ali vs Hiromu, a good and entertaining contest, (***3/4), Riot Rules, just a regular garbage wrestling that I despised, (**1/2), Riddle vs ZSJ, my review on the matchguide, co-MOTN (****1/4), Nemeth vs Ishii, my review on the matchguide, (***3/4) and Naito vs Moxley, my review on the matchguide, (***3/4). NJPW awarded the title to Moxley even though he is not a full-time wrestler is refreshing to see, gives me enough hope to see the likes of Nemeth, Riddle or even Omega if he wishes to wrestle there as champion. Just a good event but didn't stand out like the rest of the major shows for the year."
[8.0] "I was at this show live. As always, ICW puts on really fun shows. 3 title changes, and a really fun "Road to Immortality" #1 contendership Battle Royal. The steel cage match for the ICW Tag Titles was probably my favorite match of the night. Look forward to more ICW shows."
[5.0] "I like to watch these smaller, off-the-beaten-path shows. The venues are interesting and you get some unique matchups. Unfortunately this one was better on paper. The tag title match was disappointing, as were the tournament matches. The only really highlight was Douki vs Fujita which was a fun ***1/2 match."
[1.0] "I really feel very devastated after this Royal Rumble, the peak of Vince Mcmahon's madness and mediocrity."
[10.0] "This WM was incredible, 4 of the last 5 matches were tremendous, if only Booker T had defeated Triple H, it would have been perfect. But overall, it was great. It is incredible how even with the departures of The Rock and Stone Cold, the product did not collapse, as many of us would have expected."
[] "No rating, just wanted to mention how brainless you are if you're complaining about "no AEW belts being defended". You folks do understand the FTW title not being "official" is a storyline thing, right? It's been defended on AEW television and PPV before, including the first Battle of the Belts. The matches get custom chyrons and their own rules, but it isn't an AEW title. Sure.... If you're still complaining about ROH titles, I'm not sure what to tell you. Not sure if you'd be complaining about NXT title matches on Raw or Smackdown. Just more bad faith concern trolling."
[9.0] "Great card, fun venue, and cheap tickets. Great combination. No bad matches and a few standouts. Definitely worth tracking down"
[5.0] "A pretty forgettable show that had some memorable moments and mostly mediocre matches. The match of the night was probably Degeneration X vs Rated RKO with Eric Bischoff as guest referee and my personal favorite moment of the night was the segment with Shawn Michaels wanting to be more controversial. The end of the show also reminds us of Kevin Federline's existence, so there's that. Side note here, Federline's album that came out roughly a week prior to this event that commentary mentions at the end of the show goes on to sell roughly 16, 000 copies and the tour gets cancelled early on for terrible attendance. Solid 2.5 show."
[6.0] "I enjoy these Battles of the Belts. Theyre never great and generally only borderline good but its fun to see people who you dont get to see on tv often in longer singles matches. This edition was a series of adequate, inoffensive matchups with the main event exceeding my expectations. I dont watch ROH except for the PPVs so I dont know how Red Velvet has looked there but I thought she did well and has improved the last few years. Id go *** for the opener, *** for Romero/Strong and ***1/4 for the main event. This will sound like a knock but I dont mean it that way: good show to fall asleep on the couch to. Comfort food pro-wrestling."
[2.0] "Very bad filler episode of Raw. None of the matches here are any good and it's just a badly thrown together show with most of the matches filmed in South Africa where there was problems on commentary all night and two dark matches from last weeks Raw all while pretending like it was all happening live! They used the Apartheid flag to represent South Africa instead of the Rainbow Nation one which left a very bad taste in my mouth and Bret Hart's advertised appearance from last week doesn't happen as instead he gets a similar video package where he's now in Kuwait! Bret's great in it to be fair because new heel character is awesome and there is at least a good Stone Cold Steve Austin promo in the second half of the show. Mankind knocking out Vader with the Mandible Claw after their tag match also puts him over very strong going into a PPV match with the Undertaker!"
[6.0] "Threre were a handful of decent matches (Liger match, Nakamura match, the main event), but overall this was another non-exciting Dome show. The Young Generation Cup wasn't good."
[5.0] "Second Raw in a row with a disappointing main event. The wrestling was mostly fine give or take with Owen v Patriot easily being the best match, the mini match being okay and feeling like Taka vs El Pantera deserved longer. Plus Shamrock gets to show his toughness when he bleeds internally against Faarooq, but still wins. The main eventers are still shining and the storylines where they're stopping Austin from wrestling and Owen has a restraining order on him is still bringing out some great character work. He gives Lawler the stunner this week and hilariously boots the crown out of the ring. There's not really any build to the One Night Only PPV other than Shawn's Grand Slam promo. Bret and Bulldog vs The Head Bangers in the main event just didn't click as much as I'd hoped and while it's not terrible or anything, was just boring and the finish was bad! The Pillman storyline where he dresses Marlena like a hooker is just awful!"
[6.0] "This was a good episode for all the moments not involving Vince Russo. We opened with the Match of the Night as Kid Kash defended his X-Division Title against Jason Cross. The Disciples of the New Church and Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger then had a good match. This was followed by another good match between America's Most Wanted and the Hot Shots. Raven then took on new X-Division member Julio Dinero in a great match. Jerry Lynn continued to defend the honor of the X-Division against Konnan's luchadores, this time against Juventud Guerrera. AJ Styles and the Sandman had a very good match, before we had a surprisingly watchable main event between the Harris Brothers and Dusty Rhodes and Vader."
[] "I won't give a number review for the whole show because I did not and will not watch an Orange Cassidy match anymore. I'm super done with that guy. Ignoring the fact that Julia clearly got hurt by Legit borefest Leyla Hirsch and cut that match short, this was a good couple matches of Rampage. I really liked the Zak Knight match as an Old School wrestling fan, very tough guy wrestling and it was a juice match with a screaming manager. In a time warp, that's the top of the card at Madison Square Garden worked exactly that way and I'm smiling with the kids crying because they think Zak is going to kill Angelo Parker. I love that shit! The Switchblade match was the bog standard Switchblade match. If you're bored of it now, wait till the crying assholes on the internet get him single belted up. I don't hate it. I rather like it. So I enjoyed it. Anyway, good episode of Rampage to skip through or throw on while you clean your living room."
[8.0] "Great show overall serving as a tribute show to the MCMGs. Great matches from the past and the present."
[7.0] "TNA has given me a reason to watch their product every week they give me something to get interested about this show might not have been an all-time great show but it gave pretty good stories and finished off on a high note with a awesome Monster's ball. And also Josh Alexander vs Hammerstone fued has been picking up in recent weeks."
[6.0] "6 seems low and maybe I'm getting used to better shows recently. But it's a solid 6. There was nothing bad on this show and it moved along well. But there were no great matches, no great promos, no great angles. It was a completely skippable show. The main event was a good match but the angle afterwards looked weak. Some of the offense (shoulder into the ring post) looked very weak and Gable should have maid Sami suffer more for sure to make this work better."
[6.0] "A fine show, two matches were actually good and apart some weak matches the only bad bout was a single one here. There was a bit of everything from Young Lions to title matches from a taste of Joshi and there wasn't a particularly boring part at all. Relatively better than a lot of recent Road to- shows. ***"
[6.0] "An okay episode, no flaws, no highlights. No match made me freak out and besides the special entrance where Sami tackled those fat french-canadians in the hallway, nothing felt special. Sheamuses comeback didn't feel like a big deal either. The turn of Gable wasn't as vicious as I hoped for and I just wished he would have made Sami suffer more. The revelation of new titles was just overdue, but it should have gone beyond the tag team belts and put that utterly ugly and cheap looking universal championship title out of duty. Why still delaying the return of the eagle belt? Should have happened as the first thing on RAW after WM. Got 2 words for it: missed opportunity! Although the product improves gradually over time and it feels less and less insulting to watch, there are no big future stars in the making. @HHH Consider to transform the Judgment Day in a broodlike vampire stable."
[6.0] "Definitely better than the RAW after Mania, but this was just decent. The way it was built with the matches on the card made you think you were in for a better night than what you got. Unfortunately a lot of the matches were spread thin and a none went over 10 minutes except the Main Event, which was good. Not sure how I feel about a Chad Gable heel turn so soon, but we will see where it goes. Nice new Tag Titles to look at."
[6.0] "If you only watch the main event of this show, you will have absolutely nothing to lose. In general, very boring chatter, absolutely average, unremarkable matches (with the exception of only the main event, and its hard to call it fireworks). 6 out of 10."
[8.0] "The Zayn and Gable match was the best part of this Raw, especially the Gable heel turn that was completely a surprise. The triple threat match was good too, and the rest was alright good to Sheamus back also."
[8.0] "The show was enjoyable. Thunder Rosa cut an amazing promo, that might be the best promo I have seen her cut. The Opener and the Main Event were the highlights match-wise. Toni Storm finally put on a good match with the new gimmick, showing the potential it had. It was a good show. Collision is for the sickos."
[4.0] "It had some gems, but also had a lot of bollocks here and there. The Tables Guantlet Match alongside Mideon vs Regal were contenders for the worst match of the year, plus advertising Lita & APA vs Trish & T&A just to randomly cancel it sucked. Also Right to Censor vs Chyna & Gunn wasn't really good and Rikishi vs Austin had a dumbass finish or should I say a lack of it. But there were some great matches too, like Jericho and X-Pac delivering a short, but very exciting Steel Cage Match. The Tag Team Titles match was very fun with Christian and Edge finding the perfect balance between a wrestling match and a little bit of comedy. Triple H vs Benoit was fantastic, although with a irritaiting finish and the main event unfortunately underwhelmed me a little. It was a nice moment for Kurt, but these two were capable of putting on something better than a typical Attitude Era brawl with only the exciting final minutes. Not the best show with the quality of contests being all over the place."
[6.0] "this night was mid at best, what was one match that was actually good, ofc people are going to say cody vs roman, in my opnion, iyo vs baley was the best, but this whole night was mid, the main event was decent but thats about it, its only memorable because it was emotional, not because of the wrestling work, which sucks but wwe fans dont care about wrestling work, they just care about "entertainment", thats ike guerrero vs lesnar, it was good because it was emotional, this night was ok."
[7.0] "Better than last week, it started great with the unfortunate segment of Rhea Ripley vacating her world title, but damn she's leaving looking as strong as possible after headbutting that poor security dude lol, Liv Morgan should be a good heel after this too. The main event was awesome with the real babyface of the company defending the most important title of the company : Samy Zayn in his home of Québec! The entrance was magic, absolutely perfect, and of course Chad Gable is real graps, hell of a wrestler. I expected the match to be a little bit longer and better, but there is the after-match where Gable turned heel on Zayn by german suplex him while he was hugging his damn wife! I want a 20+ minute rematch on PPV. The rest of the show was skippable, the segment with awesome truth and the new tag titles was funny at first but they dragged it down to cringe. The 3 way tag match was cool but ended when it started to be awesome... Love the Creed Brothers tho. Cody is a corny politician in a suit and I'm never cheering that guy lol. Jey Usos look and sound stupid, who actually want to see him taking the world title out of a really cool looking and better wrestler Damian Priest? Anyway I'm still not really looking forward to the next weeklys, especially SmackDown, but this is getting better not gonna lie."
[2.0] "Airing the footage was embarrasing, as was osprey's promo. He should focus on continuing to put on 5* classic instead of responding to small comments by the A company. Joe was great, as was the tnt title match. it also annoyed me when osprey did his promo with his back to the crowd, either do it in the ring or towards the crowd, it looks ridiculous"
[7.0] "Sami's entrance has to be the best in RAW history. great time for gable to turn heel. Good to see Sheamus back but only 5 minutes of women's wrestling"
[4.0] "There was a lot of cool talent on this show both from America and Japan but a lot of the matches felt like they did not get into a higher gear (being an afternoon show on the end of a long weekend likely didnt help.) The Iwatani tag ended up being my favorite of the show. The interference in back to back matches in the co main event hurt with bringing the show down a bit as well as production of the show not being the best compared to a number of other companies that ran on the weekend. 4.5"
[7.0] "Aside from the Sami/Chad title match and Gables heel turn at the end (which I knew was coming but they set it up perfectly throughout the last few weeks in my opinion.) Not a really whole lot going for this show to be honest which in all fairness, doesnt make this a bad show whatsoever. On the contrary, it was actually decent. Nothing really spectacular but decent all around. The in-ring work was sort of mid especially from both the womens tag matches that basically felt like filler on the show to me. The opening promo and the fact that fans were pissed that Rhea had to vacate the title and Liv having no regrets could hopefully set up an interesting double turn on both ladies ends imo. The Dominik/Andrade match was okay though the finish felt sort of abrupt. On a more positive note, I actually love the new tag titles belts. I always hated the tag belts that the company used throughout the 2010s and henceforth. Seeing Sheamus come back with his old theme brought some nice nostalgia back for me as a wrestling fan back when I was a kid. The crowd seemed hot for him and his return too and that made me a bit happy too at least. The Jey and Finn match was decent and planted some interesting seeds of descent in the Judgment Day with Finn and Dom in particular feeling a bit uneasy about things within the group with Rhea now being gone. Overall though, the hot crowd and some really interesting cooking from Paul within the storylines definitely elevates what I feel was a hit or miss show honestly. Also, P.S. I know I shouldnt make this a part of my rating but Ive been LOVING the camerawork as of late now that Kevin Dunns bitch-ass is gone."
[6.0] "Despite the somewhat questionable decision to air the footage on TV, AEW saved it by turning it into a showcase of the new cunty Bucks.As for the wrestling, it was sub-par this week, but offset by great promos. We opened with the match of the night, as Adam Copeland defended his TNT Title against Penta El Zero Miedo in a twenty-minute banger. Forty minutes later, we got back to wrestling, as Lion Hook and Katsuyori Shibata were defeated by Shane Taylor Productions in a pretty garbage match. At least the angle is getting interesting. Kazuchika Okada then squashed Christiano Argento before Anna Jay had her best match ever against Mariah May. Finally, we got our main even of Dustin Rhodes versus Samoa Joe, that was pretty good."
[10.0] "The greatest night of WrestleMania ever. A number of WrestleMania classics, with possibly the greatest WrestleMania ending of all time."
[6.0] "This night was pretty mid honestly but I had fun with it. There's really not much to say about most of the matches Rhea and Becky was solid and the tag team ladder match was fun. Andrade and Rey vs Santos Escobar and Dominik was mid but I had fun with it and it was a good way to reintroduce Andrade to the WWE audiences. Same story with the Bianca, Jade, and Naomi match against Damage CTRL it was mid but I enjoyed it and it made Jade look like a star and reintroduced Naomi. The Jimmy and Jey match was just garbage tbh nothing more to say about it then that. The Sami and Gunther match is an all time match between two of the best in the world right now this is what Gunther does best the dominant monster vs the scrappy underdog like Walter/Gunther vs Tyler Bate. Roman and Rock vs Seth Rollins and Cody Rhodes was honestly a lot of fun some great exciting spots and the crowd was so hot during it it was clear this was the match everyone was waiting for and the tension and aura was crazy it probably went on for longer than it needed to but still I had a lot of fun with it."
[5.0] "I mean honestly it was hit or miss kind of a letdown after mania. The segment with Cody and Rock was weird but it was fun. Even though it was way too short the Ilja and Shinsuke match was cool I mean most of the matches on the card were at least solid that Awesome Truth and Judgement Day match sucked until Cena came out which genuinely popped me. The Roxanne and Indi match was short but not bad Roxanne is pretty cool and it furthers the storyline of Candices heel turn. I expected more out of the Gable and Sami vs Imperium match but it was still enjoyable and the match between Gable and Sami next week will probably be pretty good. I like how theyre booking Jade as a star shes cool. The fatal four way at the end I was kinda burnt out when it came but it was decent the spot of Ricochet hitting Reed through the announce table was cool Ricochet is not human man. Jey won which means hell probably lose to Priest at Backlash so Priest has at least one successful title defense on a PPV before dropping the belt. Overall the episode was fine I guess although i felt like at some points that I was just waiting for it to end felt like a chore to watch despite the cool moments."
[2.0] "Airing the footage was not needed. AEW have had a fantastic 2024 so far, and have been producing the best matches on a weekly basis. Showing this footage has just re-opened events that happened 7/8 months ago that did not need to be opened. I understand they did this segment to add heat to the FTR/Bucks match, but I believe the footage was not needed to do that. It was a response to the claims that Punk made in an act of revenge. However, all it achieved was proving Punk right and confirm the already written reports on what happened. Also feel sorry for Hook, who seems to be dragged down into the Jericho vortex. Hook was red hot a couple of months ago when he was feuding with Joe, however the heat has been taken off him significantly for a storyline with Jericho that honestly does not need to happen."
[5.0] "It was a decent episode. We see the debut of Kobran Moon in a short squash match. She didn't look very good, but knowing is Thunder Rosa I hope she improves soon. Then we saw Jack Evan defeating Drago on a cool lucha libre encounter. Lots of flips and cool moves, but nothing really special. Evans heel character is cool. The main event was a Last Man Standing match between Fenix and Drago, a rematch of the first match of the season. Even if I prefer that first one, this was cool and King Cuerno's offense was really cool. Fenix takes the victory, so that sets a third match between the two. The segments were good, Aero Star and Texano are returning to the temple. We learn that Konnan has died and that Cortez Castro is a undercover police, and Joey Ryan will enter the temple."
[10.0] "One of the greatest WrestleMania nights ever. The opener is pure adrenaline, the cashin of Priest closes the Punk-Drew story in a very good way. The midcard is ok, but the final 3 matches are simply awesome. Personally, I would have loved to see Owens winning and celebrating with his best friend Zayn but I understand that they couldn't have all the face to win. However, the match is very good. The WWE Women's Champ. match is excellent, and the main event is EPIC. I never had fun with WWE as in this night. Pure magic."
[10.0] "A fantastic night of wrestling and entertainment. The opener was very fast paced which ended with a brilliant set of booking. Punk/Drew rivalry has taken off to a whole new level now, and Priest can finally excel after no longer having the MITB briefcase in his possession. The trios match was a lot of fun and served the purpose of what it was there for. Knight and AJ had a solid match, exceeding expectations. The last three matches were all amazing in their own way. Finally Cody finished his story in the most overbooked, but perfect end to Romans historic title reign. MOTN for me however was the womens title match. Iyo really is one of the best in-ring wrestlers in the world, working with an amazing performer in Bayley who truly deserved her moment at WM"
[8.0] "Very unfortunate for Rhea; hopefully she heals up well and comes back with a vengeance. All involved are playing it up well in the story; Liv's revenge-minded tweener character is really fun to watch. She'd make a great world champ in the short-term. They overdid the R-Truth comedy hour, but overall it's a good move to distance the tag titles from the brands and give them their own identity. Neither of the lady tag matches got enough time to really cook. Especially give Ivy Nile some longer opportunities. The Indi Hartwell/Candice LeRae story continues to be interesting. I think Hartwell could come off well as a heel, and that tag team being villains overall would do wonders for that division. The tension between Maxxine Dupri and LaRae was also nice. I was intrigued on paper by KC2 vs Niven/Green, but there wasn't nearly enough time for anyone to show out. PIper Niven has incorporated some nice detail into her character as Green's partner. Cody Rhodes kept The Rock on our minds while giving Jey Uso that champion rub. The continuous shot of Jey leaving the arena and then Sami making his entrance was very well done. This was a good RAW. Good to see that WWE is not content to coast until the draft and Backlash."
[7.0] "One of the more experimental episodes of Dynamite. Not just the whole footage thing, which people are desperately trying to make a bigger deal out of than it is, much like they are accusing AEW of doing - how interesting. With the false championship match start and how the Jericho stuff is going and all of that, it was very "storytelling" oriented as the many AEW detractors say. Yet also like those detractors, they seem to value an entire episode on one thing. If you notice a lot of people will contribute an episode of wrestling to one specific thing that happens and that's what makes it good or bad. So simply because that footage aired its now "the worst dynamite in history" which is goofy and really lame but for whatever reason that is the well-trained wrestling fan mindset of the last few decades. The reaction to the footage over all feels very "worked into a shoot" as they say. But yeah very solid episode of Dynamite over all."
[10.0] "Had a great time with this episode of RAW. This was a hot show throughout. Enjoyed the tag team match and even Jey vs Finn. The injury to Rhea Ripley was deeply unfortunate and she'll be sorely missed. However, There was also a nice double turn setting up Liv as the heel with a point and Rhea as the babyface when she returns. In Rhea's absence, Priest stepped up as a more proactive character and gained some much-needed agency as champion. The presentation of the Intercontinental title match was absolutely stellar, right from Sami's entrance to the excellent match and Gable's turn which opens up a plethora of avenues for them to explore. Montreal was the perfect location for Gable to turn and got him over as a massive heel. Gable and Sami's next match should headline Backlash."
[9.0] "I thought this was great, even better than RAW after Mania last week. A dramatic start, with Rhea being forced to vacate her title. A shame, for sure, but hopefully something can come out of Livs presumed heel turn as a result, since Ive found her to be very stale for a long while now. An emotional moment with the Judgment Day, as well as teased dissension in their ranks throughout was appreciated. Sheamuss return was successful, the tag contenders match and the Jey vs Finn match were both great, Indis joined Candice on the dark side and the main event wow. The crowd and production all throughout the night was excellent and that made for a really good watch. Am I slightly worried for the state of the RAW womens division with Rhea out injured and Becky gone for the foreseeable future? Sure. But, Im hoping that the draft will hope ease those concerns. Other than that slight concern, this was a great show that benefitted heavily from a hot crowd and excellent production."
[] "A very enjoyable episode - a fantastic main event, a nice heel turn post match being the highlight. Real shame for Rhea that she's out for a while, although the pay off with Liv down the line will be good fun. A mid-show lull was inevitable and par for the course, although I worry how long Cody is going to be able to maintain his popularity without a tweak to what he's doing, as it's becoming remarkably rinse and repeat each week now. New tag titles are visually depressing, need to work on individual identity for their belts."
[8.0] "Bron breakker is a future WWE top star. The LA Knight/AJ Styles clash looks good, I'd love a triple threat match for Backlash with Cody. On the other hand, I hope Priest/Jey Uso will be in a weekly. The arrival of Tama Tonga was expected, and I liked the segment with Heyman. I think Solo and Tonga obey the Rock and that Roman Reigns will do a face turn when he returns to face his cousin."
[9.0] "A night two even better than the first, and what can we say about the simply incredible main event, first twenty minutes of intense combat where we feel all the psychology of the rivalry, and then comes all the interventions which give an even more epic aspect and the emotional finale with the victory of Cody Rhodes."
[5.0] "This had a handful of low-level good matches, a bunch of middling matches, and a few outright weak matches. Even if the main-event *really* hit for you, I still dont see how that alone makes up for how underwhelming the rest of the show was. The opening 7-way scramble was a very generic multi-man match. Cassidy was a nice surprise, but the positives ended there. The entire match was over-choreographed spots one after the other, with everyone constantly cycling in and out whenever the next spot/sequence was due. Most damningly, despite the non-stop pace and mindless action they went for, none of it resulted in any moments that were remotely creative or truly impressive. It was just very mediocre work with a bad structure. **1/4. Dani vs Safire was okay. They were a bit slow or underwhelming at points but I liked the contrast of Danis impactful powerhouse offence against Safires quicker, sharper strikes. Both were decent when rapidly trading big moves or when dominating with big moves. A shame the match ended due to Safire stupidly losing focus despite being in control, instead allowing herself to get stupidly blindsided. The match had built up well prior to that. **3/4. Windsors post-match attack on Dani was generic and underwhelming. Leube & Nakashima vs Lacey & Trew was another okay match. I was more impressed with the heels, given their entertainingly cheeky and sneering character work and the solid chemistry and good energy in their tag spots. The Young Blood babyfaces werent nearly as cohesive and looked more limited. Leubes powerhouse work was good but should've been showcased more, while Nakashima didnt look very polished all around. The straight-forward structure allowed this to be more enjoyable than not. **3/4. Jacobs vs Gale was yet another okay match. It desperately tried to be an epic, given it was a generic, bastardised strong-style recreation with strike spam, over-animated selling, and forced fighting spirit. Some of their strikes were even accompanied by hokey thigh slaps anyways. Their non-strike spots were also often over-coordinated, and at times they were even outright sloppy. At least both always had good energy, plus a few actually impressive moments, but this was otherwise just a done-to-death 50/50 match. **3/4. Robbie X vs Ali was quite good, honestly on par with the main-event. They had a fun dynamic with Ali as the arrogant outsider heel an Robbie as the bland but undeniably impressive native babyface. Their early work was all fine, but they eventually picked up their pace to allow them to show off their impressive athleticism, which led to both also taking some very cool bumps. Their chemistry, effort and creativity increased as the match went on, with most of their more complex spots looking quite good. They probably needed longer selling periods, but most of their spots and sequences were undeniably impressive. ***1/4. Shingo vs Seven was yet another okay match. Seven simply did his best to match Shingo's generic 'strong-style' formula, making this a very generic series of strikes and power moves with no remotely interesting filler work in-between. Their technique was still decent-to-good, and both had good enough energy at points, but all those bombs were spammed far too quickly to feel genuinely compelling, and I also just struggled taking sloven, sloppy Seven seriously against dense powerhouse Shingo. **3/4. RKJ vs Ogogo was pretty poor. Ogogo still doesn't have any remotely compelling in-ring work or character work. His in-ring fundamentals were always really awkward, and his offence was pretty sloppy half the time and forgettable the other half. Having him use his (admittedly logical) KO punches, despite how they should be illegal, remains really stupid. RKJ somewhat saved the match with his impressively athletic and explosive attacks plus some good bumping and solid selling. Admittedly a few of their exchanges and spots were okay, but I couldnt shake how out-of-place Ogogo felt, and him going over the infinitely more talented RKJ was a bad call. **1/4. Sabre vs Mills went exactly as expected for a Sabre match, with Sabre leading with his grappling, Mills doing well to match him, both getting quite arrogant and cheeky while becoming more intense, and Sabre doing all his flashuer showcase stuff. Mills' work itself was good, but he was far too similar to Sabre to be truly interesting. Quite a few of their transitions and counters were still pretty cool, though some were overly convenient and cooperative. They then had some generic rapid 50/50 trades and no-selling at the end, as if we didnt already get the story of how evenly matched these guys were. This was still a fun match, but only at a low-level, given it didnt stray enough from what Ive already seen from Sabre many times before, and Mills didnt stand out much. ***1/4. Oku vs Ospreay was every Ospreay epic ever, repeating more or less all the exact same spots and sequences you can see in literally any Ospreay singles match from the last 5 years. The result was never in doubt either, so there was minimal interest going into this. I liked the initial story of Oku having grown and become more confident since their last match, bit his goofy selling soon heavily undercut that. Ospreays control work was very good, but as mentioned, the total lack of creativity held this (and him) back a lot. Oku did have energy and athleticism in his comebacks, but he sadly lacked the necessary explosiveness to make the most of them, and his selling remained too melodramatic. They did a slight bit of a leg-targeting story on Ospreay, but that soon became inconsequential. Their insistence on going for picture perfect visuals with their hokey acting also felt sickeningly artificial. Ospreay continued with all his big moves until the end, and Oku continued to not feel like he was remotely near his level to earn the win. ***1/4. Nice heart-warming promo from Ospreay in the post-match."
[5.0] "This was an average episode of Raw with an absolutely atrocious triple threat main event match that ended up really hurting the overall quality of the show. It's a shame too as I thought this Raw got off to a great start with a good Austin segment where he stuns Sgt. Slaughter after he is suspended from in ring action and then the Bret Hart v Vader match which somehow wasn't the main event was a very fun brawl to watch. The show drops off considerably for me after that match and while there is some good moments like the build to the first ever Hell in a Cell match and Shawn Michaels attacking the British Bulldog taking him out of the main event as well as Austin continuing to wreak havoc as he does every week, the wrestling isn't very good at all and the god awful Pillman/Goldust storyline continues to get even worse with every show!"
[5.0] "A rather uneven show. The opener is bad, the main event has no place here, PCO and Kon don't belong here on the card. Moose vs Seven was far too short and should have been the main event. Otherwise, the card for Rebellion is building up, some interesting posters are being constructed, it remains to be seen whether this will breathe new life into it."
[7.0] "This latest episode of RAW was certainly newsworthy, especially with Rhea Ripley having to relinquish her title due to injury, Sheamus anticipated return, Awesome Truth getting new title belts, and a compelling main event match for the Intercontinental Title. The camera work on the Jey Uso-Sami Zayn segment, transitioning into Zayn's entrance through the crowd, was absolutely incredible and probably the highlight of the night. The post-match development with Chad Gable turning heel added an intriguing twist. I appreciate the recent episodes of RAW for their digestibility; they don't feel overly lengthy or difficult to watch (particularly when fast-forwarding through commercials). Even the less captivating matches or storylines are brief and tend to serve a purpose within the shows narrative. While this episode may not have had too many standout moments, it was nonetheless very enjoyable."
[8.0] "This was my 1st Kumite show in person felt like this show was very good no bad matches at all in this show felt like a couple of matches were a bit rushed didn't effect the quality of the matches but some could have been longer Alton Thorne VS Clint Margera was a masterpiece if you seen Alton's promo before the match there was a lot of storytelling in this match. Will be at more Kumite shows before this promotion has a special vibe"
[7.0] "A good Xplosion, KUSHIDA, deserves a push into the X-Division. I'm glad they gave this poster that would belong at IMPACT or a PPV."
[9.0] "I enjoyed the show overall. That Zayn-Gable main event was Fantastic. It was awesome to see Zayn clinch the win in front of his hometown crowd, and the post-match drama with Gable turning on him was a Perfect setup for a heated rivalry. Rhea Ripley's injury announcement was a tough moment, a reminder of the harsh reality of wrestling. Curious to see if Liv Morgan turns heel from this, she could definitely stir up some serious heat if they play it right. And a warm welcome back to Sheamus from the Montreal crowd, always great to see. Oh, and I'm definitely digging the new look for those Tag Team Title changes."
[6.0] "Dissapointing overall but not bad. I remember this being the first SummerSlam since like 2013 I was actually excited for? Like I was genuinly tweaking at the opening hype package, so it was a bit of a dissapointment. But overall still good. Main event soured the show a lot and the Logan match way under achieved."
[6.0] "A decent episode of RAW with some very interesting moments, the shocking news of Rhea with the Heavyweight Title vacant, the new heel Liv Morgan is very interesting i hope that she will join judgment day and destroy them from inside. The return of Sheamus and a very good main event, it seems that Chad Gable could be accompained by the Creed Brothers that would be awesome!"
[7.0] "[3.50/5.00]: Monday's broadcast marked the ongoing transition into a new era within WWE. We witnessed the unveiling of new titles, Sheamus's comeback, and the progression of important narratives. Unfortunately, Rhea Ripley's news added a somber tone to the proceedings. The focus was clearly on laying the groundwork for Backlash, with one match confirmed and others on the horizon. It's unrealistic to sustain the high energy of WrestleMania season indefinitely, but they managed to maintain viewer interest by delivering enough excitement. After such a monumental event, that's all one can ask for."
[7.0] "I got an original broadcast version so it included the sick as shit Benoit match. Main show takeaways? I'm utterly shocked they're already doing the dumb storyline in PPV thing, I'm completely sick of every wrestler's name during the first match (use a fucking pronoun and talk like a real human being), and I love the speed and intensity of all the work in this. I think it's worked faster than modern matches, I was checking match lengths because I was thinking that I might have been watching it at 1.25 speed except for the Triple H match. The matches were all very good (with a couple notable exceptions for a couple different reasons.) There's a "win a makeout session with Nidia" contest at WWE The World and of course the acting in this show is subporn acting especially with both Bishoff and Steph. Finishers are too strong during this time period, every match ends with a non-submission hit in a desperation, in two matches (Edge and RVD) they got almost no offense in before hitting that finisher and winning anyway. Low blows are in 5 of the 8 matches. There's a fucking misogynistic angle with Howard Finkle and Trish Stratus. Finke got to call women skanks and then immediately turn into a moron when a girl tells him she thinks he's cute. But hey, we GOTTA make sure that we get less than 20 minutes for the main event. And how could Vince let the lines "You've got the puppies and I've got the weiner" go right? Overall, very good show downgraded a bit for the annoying WWE bullshit."
[7.0] "A newsworthy RAW with Rhea Ripley having to give up the Women's World Title due to a shoulder/arm injury that Liv Morgan was given the on screen credit for causing, the new World Tag Team Title belts for R-Truth and The Miz, and Chad Gable attacking Sami Zayn in front of his wife in his home town. Other than the three way tag match and the main event leading up to Gable's turn, not much else happened with the exception of Sheamus' return."
[5.0] "An average Raw this week. The ending was good with Sami and Gable, Codys promo was solid and the new tag team belts looks better than the ugly old ones. Ripley is injured, unfortunately. Sheamus return was wasted with a nothing match against Ivar 2 Women's Matches on the show with just 5 minutes ring action combined on a 3 hour show? Come on, do better. This division is really poor booked."
[8.0] "Great show that could of been better. Red Velvet and Taurus missing the show really made the entire format a lot less diverse, like there were too much 6 man tag and 3 way dance. On top of that, I am here for the dream match, Chris Hero vs Higuchi, not a goofy DDT tag match. I mean, it's sure good but damn it could of been so much more special. Angelico-Arez was the MOTN by far, a great mat work masterpiece, and there were some good actions. I think the main takeaway was seeing some talents that i've never see, like Viajero (someone please make this dude a cagematch page), the entire 3way lucha, Jason Kincaid, and so on. The low point was the Gumbo Rumbo, it was for a good cause but damn if it was only half as long. I will be anticipating volume 2."
[6.0] "The in-ring portion of this show really shined when it got the chance, which somewhat saved the weak PPV buildup for me"
[5.0] "This was disappointing overall as a PPV, which is a shame as there was actually a few good things in this, it's just that the bad stuff sticks out a lot more. This had a fun chaotic main event between Shawn Michaels and Undertaker where all of the outside interference lead to the Hell in a Cell match on the next PPV. The non-finish might have been disappointing at the time, but the match was very good when it came to the storytelling. Bret vs The Patriot was a solid WWF Title match, and there's a really fun Raw is War style segment where Austin is forced to relinquish the Tag Team Titles and Jim Ross ends up eating a Stone Cold Stunner. Austin would strike again costin Owen the tag titles in a match that ended up being a major disappointment. The undercard is really bad on this show with the exception of the entertaining Max Mini vs El Torito match and this wasn't a good thing particularly when this was the first In Your House show that went 3 hours! This had one of the worst triple threat matches I have ever seen and also a dreadful storyline angle where Brian Pillman kidnaps Marlena after he beats Goldust for her services... yeah. There was also a pretty gruesome injury with Scott Putski's knee in the second match on the show."
[7.0] "Weak first half good second half. As is the WWE way the focus is on moments that pop the crowd rather than in-ring excellence. MOTN - Bayley vs. Iyo Sky. Both the men's World championship matches have issues. The opener is a finisher spam, the main event relies too much on outside interference."
[5.0] "Felt like a B Grade PPV, rather than WrestleMania, opening match was slow, ladder match was better, then a DUD. Usos did a lot of overacting. I enjoyed the women's showcase, specially the entrance. Sami Gunther was very good which should have been great, it needed those 10 minutes from the main event. The main event was cleverly produced, saving the Rock, but it should have been more engaging. I would have exchanged all the interferences from Night 2 to here, and rather have Cody winning clean on his own, conquering the King Roman on his own, exposing him in a match without the Bloodline. Right now it doesn't feel Cody is above Roman in kayfabe , Roman is still above Cody whenever he comes back, this situation could have been avoided."
[7.0] "This was better than night one but I didnt feel it as an all time great show that a lot of people did. Nothing hit even **** for me so 7 is about as high as I can go without any must-see matches on the card. Cody winning was the right move and at least he won convincingly."
[] "Went to the show last night and had a good time. It was my first MAW show and overall, it's a promotion I'll continue to follow."
[6.0] "Average. Cody did not need former greats to get over. It should have been like Bryan at 30. Vince did the exact same thing, relying on ex wrestlers and part timers again and again, if today it had been Vince everybody would be thrashing him but rules are different for Hunter. And your champion bringing him in the end as if he is the real star, bullshit. Roman deserved a better ending to this run. Last Mania or Sami in home, either would have been better than today. Women's match was really impressive. Bayley showing her experience and Iyo her speed. Opening match was decent but the burial of Drew afterward was not right. Other matchers were passable. Flow was a lot better than Sat."
[9.0] "This is what AEW needed after the DUD Dynamite. Yester years AEW was trying to establish itself as a promotion where you will get everything, a bit of every style and type, mix of every aspect of Professional Wrestling and it worked because WWE was real bad at this time. But now things are different, AEW has to be different today from WWE, to sell itself, they need to establish itself as a alternative rather than competition. The only thing that can work as that different aspect today is THE IN RING QUALITY. With all due respect, WWE have great workers but in the ring it cannot match AEW. Best WWE matches all year compete to AEW's Best TV matches for the year, their PPV matches are untouchable. I think finally AEW and Tony have realized this and this show was the start of it. Minimal talking, no overproduction, less interference and just pure hard hitting matches. Hope AEW continues this. Opening and women's match is pretty good and the main event is a must watch."
[] "I think this is a cool concept. And maybe its because of my short attention span due to intense social media consumption. Nevertheless, first match was a lot better than the second. Dragon Lee and Ricochet really showed us that limitation breeds creativity. Ive seen a lot of people saying its not real wrestling but I think thats such a silly critique that I refuse to take it seriously lol. Overall, pretty fun stuff."
[7.0] "Fun show! A few lowlights but overall the quality of wrestling was pretty damn high, and it didn't feel as if anyone was putting in less than full effort"
[10.0] "Un evento lejos de ser perfecto guardo con mucho cariño, la lucha de tríos en jaula fue sin duda lo mejor del evento aunque también muy buena lucha Alberto vs Brian Cage"
[] "Did I enjoy a lot of these matches? Yes. Was the event too fucking long? YES. I thank the lord above that they went with the two night format after this. No ones willing to sit there for 8 fucking hours on a wrestling show even if youre a big fan. Everyone, including me, were exhausted by the end. And that main event deserved more than our tired reactions. Obviously the finish was kinda strange and anti-climactic. But hey, we witnessed history. We also witnessed history earlier in the night with Kofi finally winning the big one. Took them 56 damn years to put their world title on a black wrestler. No I dont think The Rock counts. Even so, thats one champion in the span of almost six decades. Anyways, you have a match that a lot of people seemed to have forgotten about for some reason but I havent. Which was Shane vs The Miz. Why is Mizs dad not a bigger meme? Why did we forget about his stance? WHY DID WE FORGET ABOUT THAT SUPLEX FROM THE PLATFORM TO THE FLOOR? lol. Overall, a good show that was waaaaaay too long for its own good."
[] "A bit underwhelming. It started and ended off strong. But everything in between? I enjoyed R-Truth finally having his moment and I found the 6 woman tag team match to be kind of fun honestly. Only because of Jade and Bianca though. Every other match ranged from mediocre to straight up terrible. Like Jey vs Jimmy. The buildup was terrible, but at least you expected something decent from these two. Especially since theyve publicly talked about how much they wanted to have this match to tick off the bucket list. But nope, we got treated to a straight up snoozefest. And it was incredibly disappointing. Overall, not the best but also not the worst I guess."