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Displaying items 1 to 5 of total 5 items that match the search parameters.
[7.0] "If you know about the WCW story then there is not much more you will learn here. A solid but quite basic recapping of the story with little analysis or deeper insights"
[7.0] "Incredible amounts of research clearly went into this and gives a very good big picture view. Some glaring issues are covering such a large and significant piece of history means it tends to be fairly broad strokes with a basic premise of " X owned Y, these people worked there, business was good, then it was bad. They got on/did not get on with the NWA" and next. It would be helpful if he had drilled down into particular promotions more and added more of personal stories/details. Take a shot every time you read "grapplers"."
[8.0] "A very detailed look at 1PW's up and downs prior to it's 2022 one year comeback. Featuring comments from many people who worked in 1PW during that time from UK wrestlers & promoters to those who also worked in TNA at the time. Would highly recommend but just know that some people in the book have since been exiled after #SpeakingOut"
BlackMachismo2007 wrote about MOX:
[10.0] "An Amazing Book. Mox tells a lot of stories. From his childhood to his adulthood to his travels around the world to even how to make the perfect sandwich. He gets very personal on some parts and it's very nice to see the chapters he dedicated to Brodie and Danny Havoc."
[10.0] "A tale of hardcore, a tale of great wrestling and the first autobiography in history to be apart of wrestling programming in storyline with Mick Foley of course, The Rock and one of the most underrated acts in wrestling history Al Snow. A standard of what wrestling sounds like and really became a book where every journalist needs to study cause it speaks of young Michael Foley in rises and falls. Have a nice day is a national treasure."