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"You're not my father anymore!"


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"You're not my father anymore!"
Shane McMahon: "What's up, Detroit? Boy, are you guys privileged, each and every one of you here in the audience, and everyone in television land. I mean, check this out! [Shane blickt über die versammelten Reihen der Corporation.] Check out the greatest assembly of athletic talent ever created here in the World Wrestling Federation! And they are all under the corporate umbrella. Two more individuals I need to announce. Now they haven't had the priviliged lifes most of you have ever had. But what I'd like to do is introduce you to two members from the mean streets of Greenwich, Conneticut. Give it up one time for Rodney and Pete Gas, The Mean Street Posse!"

[Shane präsentiert das jubelnde Team unter den Buhrufen des Publikums, doch Ken Shamrock entreißt ihm das Mikrofon.]

Ken Shamrock: "You know, when you're Dad put the Corporation together, he told me it was gonna be like a family where we looked after each other. Well, I want an explanation, Shane. Where were you and the Corporation when my sister was abducted and I was PUT IN THE BACK OF A TRUNK?!"

Shane McMahon: "Ken, Ken, calm--calm down, it's OK! It's OK! Kenny, I promise you, you'll get your explanation tonight. But you have to understand something. You know, I emphasize what you're going through. Ken, it's me. We're in the same boat. Your sister Ryan, my sister Stephanie... it all revolves around one man, and that's the Undertaker. Don't freak out on me, Ken. I feel your pain. And I have to take this opportunity, and I have to talk to my sister. Stephanie, I know you're back there and I know you're safe with Dad. That's it, I-- I'm asking you, please, to come down here. Stephanie, please come down here. I need you."

[Die Kamera zeigt Stephanie McMahon backstage, zusammen mit ihrem Vater und umringt von Polizisten. Sie möchte der Aufforderung Shanes folgen, doch Vince versucht sie zurückzuhalten.]

Vince McMahon: "Shane doesn't need you. Sit down!"

Stephanie McMahon: "Well, he says he needs me."

Vince McMahon: "Shane doesn't need you."

Stephanie McMahon: "Come on, Dad. You guys are with me right? I--I'm safe. Shane wouldn't put me in jeopardy. Come on!"

Vince McMahon: "I don't think it's a very good idea, but let's go all together, all of us together, alright? I don't know what he's up to. You stay with me! Guys, get in a little closer, I don't know what this is about..."

[Vince, Stephanie und die Wachmänner begeben sich geschlossen zum Ring.]

Shane McMahon: "That's it, Steph. It's OK! Come on down! We're safe. We're safe."

[Stephanie möchte Shane im Ring umarmen, doch dieser hält sie auf Abstand. Vince nimmt seinem Sohn das Mikrofon ab.]

Vince McMahon: "I don't know what this is about, but it better be damn good. What is this, some sort of publicity stunt you're up to? You put your sister in harms way by asking her to come out here? This better be damn good. What are you up to, Shane?"

Shane McMahon: "What am I up to? Maybe you ask me what my priorities are? Dad, priorities, let's talk about priorities for a second, 'cause yours are outta whack! Where are your priorities? Because the only priority you have is you focus your whole world around Stephanie, Daddy's little girl. That's all you continue to focus on! Daddy's little girl, that's all you care about. You said you don't give a damn about the Corporation, no. Let's talk about priorities yet again! Let's check this out, look at Jim Ross down here returns to Raw. Jim Ross, the guy can barely speak and you put him put here. You know what, Jim? I'd fire you right here on the spot. But I get another problems, because your cohort, Michael Cole, sucks just as bad."

Vince McMahon: "Aren't you, uh--aren't you getting just a little bit out of line?"

Shane McMahon: "I don't think I'm getting out of line at all. You know what, talking about someone's getting fired here tonight matter of fact, and it's about thirty years in the making. I have no room in the new Corporation. Check out the youth, check out the insuperableness, check that out one time! There is no room for the geriatric, there is no room in the Corporation for the old. The only room in the Corporation--

["Austin"-Sprechchören des Publikums.]

Let me tell you one thing: You can take loyalty as you so-call it and flush it down the toilet, 'cause there is no room in my Corporation for either of you two, Pat and Jerry. [Zu Gerald Bricsco und Pat Patterson, die ihn entgeistert anstarren.] Read my lips! You are both fired! Oh, oh, what, didn't you understand? You are both fired! Now take it to the back, or I'll have some of the Corporation members take it down there for you. Let's go! To the back! Your services are no longer needed. Goodbye!"

Vince McMahon: "So, let me get this straight now. I've got it. You're on some sort of... power trip. Is that it, Shane?"

Shane McMahon: "I'm on a power trip? That brings me to a great point. Matter of fact, the whole point! Where is your power, dad? Where is you power trip? Where is the Vince McMahon we all know? Where is the most ruthless human being to ever walk the planet? You always taught me 'Hey, climb over everybody. It doesn't matter because you're climbing that ladder and you're never coming down. Do anything at all cost to get ahead in this world'. Dad, where are the balls the size of grapefruits? That's what I wanna know!"

Vince McMahon: "Oh, I am still the same man. And then son, just as I do have my priorities straight, and right now my priority is simply your sister's, my daughter's wellfare. I'm gonna take Stephanie and go home."

Shane McMahon: "Whow, who, whow. Hey, hey, I'm not done talking to you. Hey, I'm not done talking to you yet! [hindert seinen Vater daran zu gehen.] Who do you think you are?"

Vince McMahon: "I will tell you something. This power trip you're on, if you want true power, you have to earn it and you have to earn it with respect!"

Shane McMahon: "Respect this!

[Shane verpasst seinem Vater eine Ohrfeige. Stephanie bittet sie aufzuhören und will gemeinsam mit Vince gehen.]

Whow, whow, whow, where are you going? Are you going home with your precious daughter, Daddy's little girl? That's it, tuck your tale between your legs and get into the back and go home! Go ahead! Oh, you know what? Hey, you're not my father anymore! That's right, Dad. You're not my father. You're not my Dad anymore! Matter of fact, you're not even Mr. McMahon to me anymore. You have not my respect. You are simply known from now on... as Vince.

[Vince und Stephanie verlassen die Halle. Im Ring scheint Shamrock mit dieser Behandlung Vince McMahons nicht einverstanden zu sein. Fluchend verlässt auch er den Ring.]

Where are you going, Shamrock? Hey Kenny, hey Kenny, is this the way you want it? You wanna walk out on me and the Corporation?

[Shamrock dreht sich nochmal kurz um, versieht die Corporation letztlich aber mit eindeutigen Geste und geht, während Shane und seine Leute sich im Ring feiern. Backstage verlassen Vince, Stephanie, Patterson und Brisco gerade in Begleitung der Polizisten die Halle, Shamrock folgt ihnen.]

Vince McMahon: [im Gehen] "That's all there is to it. This is the way. Wait a minute, before we go: Ken, thank you for loyalty. I appreciate that and I respect it. We're all set now."

Ken Shamrock: "Are you sure?"

Vince McMahon: "We're okay, we're cool. Thank you, I appreciate it. Guys if you please would just come with me, escort Stephanie out. [Die Gruppe begibt sich zu einer Limousine.] Alright Steph, let's get the hell out of here. I want this night over with."
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