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This table shows the active championships and champions of the promotion at the beginning of the show.
Title changes during the event are not considered here.
TNA X-Division ChampionshipSanada02.03.2014  (40 Tage)8.30197
TNA World Heavyweight ChampionshipEric Young10.04.2014  (1 Tage)7.28205
TNA World Tag Team ChampionshipThe BroMans (Jessie Godderz & Robbie E) (2)02.03.2014  (40 Tage)7.19118
TNA Women's Knockout ChampionshipMadison Rayne (5)16.01.2014  (85 Tage)7.91110
TNA Television ChampionshipAbyss (2)02.06.2013  (313 Tage)3.34102