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:::: Not eligible for the matchguide: at least one worker in the match does not have a profile. ::::
Singles Match
Cazador defeats Thrizo
:::: Not eligible for the matchguide: at least one worker in the match does not have a profile. ::::
Singles Match
Haywire defeats El Medico del Loco
:::: Not eligible for the matchguide: at least one worker in the match does not have a profile. ::::
Singles Match
Mr. Bigg defeats Phoenix by DQ
:::: Not eligible for the matchguide: at least one worker in the match does not have a profile. ::::
Singles Match
Mad Dog defeats Azul
:::: Not eligible for the matchguide: at least one worker in the match does not have a profile. ::::
Singles Match
Nate Laws vs. Onyx Cooper - Double Count Out
:::: Not eligible for the matchguide: at least one worker in the match does not have a profile. ::::
Santana Garrett (c) defeats La Reyna

All workers
Azul, Cazador, El Medico del Loco, Haywire, La Reyna, Mad Dog, Mr. Bigg, Nate Laws, Onyx Cooper, Phoenix, Santana Garrett, Thrizo
Current Total Rating (?)
Valid votes: none
Number of comments: 0
10.0 0x
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1.0 0x
0.0 0x
Average rating: ---  [none]
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