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Buddy Lee Parker

Also known as Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker, BL Parker, Sgt. BL Parker, Dewayne Bruce, Jack Boot, Braun The Leprechaun

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108.09.2016thebigmontbowski8.0It is so hard to measure a talent when for the most part, their matches are as a result of being a trainer. Natalya is currently apparently the womens in ring trainer in WWE, and so the trajectory of her career as a gatekeeper to the actual strap is somewhat cemented. As the trainer, your job is to go in there and make the talent you are wrestling look good. Not yourself. You really aren't allowed to do anything that puts you over. And, repeat next week with another talent. The facts are that he was a bruiser, had a great look and would not have been a trainer if he could not work. I rate him higher than his average by a lot actually. The WCW Power Plant was ahead of its time developmentally, and, did pump out a lot of great top guys including DDP, Nash, Goldberg, and the Big Show. That's not exactly poor results.
520.07.2022krukster6.0Really surprised at such a low rating. The WCW's STATE PATROL are one of my favorites when it comes to lower end tag teams as I put them in the same category as Texa and Shanghai and the Cole Twins. Really strong trainer as well.
610.04.2008The Sick Lebowski5.0 
717.12.2016Sonny Black5.0 
902.12.2022No One4.0 
1004.08.2016Crippler Crossface4.0 
1520.07.2013Boris The Menace4.0 
2201.11.2008Fountain of Misinformation4.0Der Brooklyn Brawler der WCW? Als Jobber okay, guter Körperbau aber zu langsam und unweglich im Ring.
2322.08.2008GeneralUwe4.0Kein Charisma. Sieht sehr fieß aus, aber das rettet auch nichts. Im Ring irgendwie auch nichts besonderes. Aber als Edeljobber fand ich ihn brauchbar.
2424.08.2019DanTalksRasslin4.0Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker/Dewayne Bruce was probably more notable for his role outside the ring than in it, as he served as the longtime trainer at the WCW Power Plant. Though his military-style training methods have sometimes been questioned, the Power Plant under his watch did turn out a number of notable stars, with Parker having a hand in training the likes of Kevin Nash, Diamond Dallas Page and Goldberg, among others. In the ring, Parker was fine, but his stature and somewhat workmanlike style ensured his best role would be helping others achieve stardom rather than reaching it himself.
2608.01.2023Conquistador373.0In my estimation, this guy had no business being a trainer. The State Patrol were an ok enough enhancement team. When James Earl disappeared, Buddy Lee carried over the "biker patrolman" gimmick and stayed a mulleted enhancement talent until his career died off. He wasn't that good, someone's gotta lose though so might as well've been this dork. Again, in my estimation, this guy had no business being a trainer...but that's WCW for ya. Lastly: The Leprechaun was wrestlecrap (er-more like "wrestle diarrhea") 2.5 rounded up.
2720.05.2023Giantfan19803.0Another WCW jobber 4 life. Never was impressed with him and never understood WCW talking him up as a trainer when his work looked rather pedestrian.
2824.07.2022Leth993.0A great trainer and generic wrestler. The thing I remember from him is that leprechaun gimmick and using his "injured arm" in a match without selling
3707.12.2010Necron2.0Schlechte Matches, die auch nicht über ein zumindest aus damaliger (Mark)-Sicht gutes Gimmick hinwegtäuschen konnten.
3821.02.2008Stani2.0In den Neunzigern ließ mich der Sarge total kalt, am Ende der WCW, als er mit Goldberg teamte, ging er mir total auf die Nerven. Mag ein harter TGrainer sein aber das ist Egon Cordes auch und für was war Cordes bekannt? Dafür dass er den Spielern von 96 O-Beine antrainierte und mit ihnen in die Regionalliga abstieg.
4115.09.2015WrestleArts1.0Uncharismatisch, unsympathisch, bescheuerter Look, im Ring auch nicht besonders gut, als Jobber jedoch ok. Alles was man über seine Trainingsmethoden gehört (oder bsw. auch bei Louis Theroux gesehen) hat, schien auch sehr... naja, komisch. Wrestler täglich stundenlang Drills machen lassen, macht sie vielleicht zu besseren Athleten, jedoch blieb der wrestlerische Aspekt im PowerPlant oft auf der Strecke, siehe: Goldberg, die Natural Born Thrillers etc.
4230.03.2023XXDoubleHHXX1.0Never liked this guy. He and his State Patrol tag team brought nothing to WCW, it got worse when he became a leprechaun for The Dungeon of Doom. He shouldn't be training anyone in that powerplant and trained some very crappy people.